(c) 2000 Romowe Rikoito

(p) 2000 Brudenia

  1. I. Taedeum Vitae
  3. 1. La Rose Noire
  4. 2. Weilawei
  5. 3. Elegy
  6. 4. Le Soleil Noir de la Melancolie
  8. II. Suspiria de Profundis
  10. 5. El Desdichado
  11. 6. Fons Aeternae Juventutis
  12. 7. Eques Aurei Lapidis
  13. 8. Tot l'Aur del Mon e Tot l'Argen
  1. Julia - voices;
  2. Olga - voices of Silence
    Victoria - flute, keyboards, grand piano
  3. Anny - cello
  4. Ludmila - violin
    Johnny - guitars, sounds
    Niktorius - voices, guitars, sounds
    Poonk - archy-violin
    Ruslan Z. - second voice on Weilawei
  • A new work of the most prominent russian neo folk band.



© 2000 Brudenia